On the satrical /r/pcmasterrace subreddit, a user named Vision attempted to create a Weekly Newsletter for the subreddit, with news pertaining to those important to PC Gamers, such as sales, news, among other things. Upon seeing this, I decided to give my own crack at it. Here was the result.
Top Banner:
Left: Number of Increase of Subscribers to the Subreddit since the previous week (inspired by Halo Channel)
Middle: Name of PCMasterRace Weekly with the Master Race character filling in as the "L" in Weekly.
Right: Week of Issueing
Background: Same as Image used in /r/PCMasterRace subreddit banner.
Meaningful news articles of relevance to PC Gamers.
Steam Midweek Madness Sale, and other sales at other websites such as GreenManGaming and GOG.com
Bottom: Countdown until release dates of significant and heavily anticipated games for PC Gamers (Witcher 3, GTA V PC). Below it, one will find a number of the subreddit's subscriber number; with a short motto underneath to close out the newsletter.
PCMR Weekly

PCMR Weekly

An on-going experimental newsletter directed at PC Gamers.


Creative Fields