NORAD - Won Diamond Sabre Awards - "Born Again"

Bisqit Norway and Gambit H+K's digital campaign "Born Again" gives Norwegians their own unique 'developing country' life story. It was made as a part of "Nm i Bistand" (Norwegian development championship) which is a public education tool from the Norwegian Agency of Development Cooperation (NORAD).
The work was truly a great team effort between Gambit H+K/Bisqit Norway, Dekode, NORAD and Raindog.

The Campaign Born Again have won Diamond in the Global SABRE Awards and Diamond in EMEA SABRE AWARDS in the category for Public relations programs.
«Born Again» is a digital simulator which lets you see what your life could be like if you were born in one of the developing countries Norway cooperates with, with a social twist - «Born Again» gives you a new timeline - modelled on your Facebook Timeline - which tells the narrative of your new life based on statistics and development indicators for your new home country.
Factors such as education levels, child or maternal mortality, public health issues, gender inequalities, prevalence of conflict or natural disasters and so on are all combined with your own Facebook profile information to create a new narrative arc from your birth to the present, highlighting the challenges you may have faced along the way. By combining all these data we also ensure that every profile is unique.
In addition to being a perfect fit for telling an entire story of your life in another part of the globe, the Timeline-concept was chosen to appeal directly to the young target audience, integrating content from Instagram, Flickr, YouTube and other social media while relying on a fresh and somewhat controversial tone of voice, look and feel specifically tailored to a younger segment.
NORAD - Won Diamond Sabre Awards - "Born Again"

NORAD - Won Diamond Sabre Awards - "Born Again"

A multi award winning campaign
