Katie heard a kind of Nepenthe,
It is hidden in a very far place.
The girl's heart is full of fantasy,
But the years had brought her endless grief.
Katie with her best friend Sasha,
Travel long distances to find the precious medicine.
They walked arm in arm,
Like twin vines,
Sing a song,
The voice shining like fresh strawberry.
La la la
Through the black forest,
La la la
Through the fairy grass,
La la la
Through the devil's swamp,
There is a lake,
Large dark green lake.
Katie and Sasha standing side by the stifling deep side,
They finally found  the precious Nepenthe.
The girl's heart is full of fantasy,
But the years had brought her endless grief.
Katie said: "Sasha, you want to forget your sadness?"
the pushed Sasha into that cold deep lake.
Sasha is gone,
With all her sadness.
Katie's so happy,
She finally found the Nepenthe.
Jumped into the cold deep Lake in,
Katie's sadness also disappeared.
Katie's sadness

Katie's sadness

One illustration and short story of my black fairy tales book [Marie Dolly]
