The Blue Light That Guides
By Rachel Buth

I saw the blue light that guides,
with closed eyes,
and it is brighter than the sun

A portal manifested in nature
connecting the humble earth
and the spirit realms from
which we are all birthed

The origin of our energy
The soul of all the sentient

Awake with compassion
Aware of illusion Abundance is emptiness
Emptiness, abundance
Top : Can't Sell Me, Feminist Symbol
Middle : Impossible Triangle
Bottom : Anguish and All
Bicycle Wheel of Life - Spirtual Compass
Found Object Art of recycled leather, bicycle wheel, turquoise, metal, wire, sticks
Top : Psychic Visions
Bottom : Crystals : Quartz, Amythyst, Citrine Point
All is Temporary
Handmade Crystal Neckaces with Recycled Leather
Handmade Crystal Neckaces with Recycled Leather
"Light Pour" (left Original Sketch) (right, white acrylic application to wood)
for my Winter Solstice Sweetheart
Handmade Blue Kynatite Necklace
(Upcycled Leather, Copper, Blue Kyanite)
Fine Art

Fine Art

Some Drawings, Paintings, and 3D pieces I made in 2014
