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Alexander Novo Employment Portfolio

-The assignment titled "Direct or Indirect Approach" was one of my personal favorites. While completing the assignment the learning objective "Audience/Voice and Tone" instantly came to mind. The purpose of the assignment was to decide which form of communication one should use in specific situation. I would base my decision based on the anticipated reaction of the audience and the relationship with the audience. Throughout the assignment I continually asked myself "What tone and word choice would ideal be in this situation?". This assignment definitely strengthened my rhetorical knowledge skills by helping me better understand the method in which to communicate to a specific audience. This assignment also helped me understand the elements of effective communication for a professional setting and understand the function of document design according to audience purpose, both of which can be applied in real world situations.
- Another learning objective that recently strengthened my rhetorical knowledge skills was the assignment in which we created a "Pecha-kucha" online presentation. This assignment helped me realize that a certain mediums or genres are suited for specific audiences. A Power Point was best to use in this situation because with the assistance of visuals and vocals I could let people how and what I "feel" regarding the subject of spearfishing.
- Various assignments throughout the course definitely benefited my writing process. There we many peer reviews in which we had to edit others writing for clarity, coherence, correctness, and conciseness. As a result of analyzing others work, it helped me revise and improve my own. I've heard from many successful writers, that the key to good writing is all in the revision. You can write something mediocre and turn it into something extraordinary if you "revise, revise, revise!" This could be applied to business world situations when and if I have to give feedback to colleagues regarding certain projects.
-Communication is key to your success, in relationships, the workplace, and across all aspects of life. Your ability to communicate comes from experience, and experience can be an effective teacher. The multiple peer reviews that we did in class made me realize how important effective communication is. The feedback that other students provided me with took my writing to the next level which made me realize how useful my feedback was. The one assignment that stuck out to me the most was "Babygear Peer Reviews". My rough draft which was being reviewed by my peers was in dire need of a makeover. Looking back at my peers feedback it made me realize how important communication and feedback actually is.
Novo Reviewing Babygear:
Williams Rough Draft
Our E-tailing site,, specializes in only the very best products for parents, of newborns, infants, and toddlers. We constantly scour the world looking for products that are of superior quality and design to take their place alongside the hundreds of carefully selected products that adorn the pages of our award winning website. We strive for the best every time we select a product to join this portfolio, and the products you provide are it. After careful consideration we have concluded that your Inglesina lines would work well with the products already present on out site. We hope you will take careful consideration with our offer and it’s benefits.
Williams Feedback
Trystan, your rough draft sound professional from start to finish. I like the way the e-mail flows from sentence to sentence. Although, it did lack some emotional aspects and sounds a bit dull. One aspect that could be worked on is sounding more excited regarding this new opportunity. Another aspect that could be worked on is to talk a little more about them and not so much about "you". You can add that you look forward to the future you have with this company. Overall, your e-mail is very professionally written and you get straight to the point. 
Zekanovic Rough Draft
Our e-tailing company Best Baby Gear specializes in best products for parents of newborns, infants, and toddlers. We constantly search all over the world for products that are good and well-built enough for our website, Every product is carefully selected to ensure that they will be top-sellers and profitable to our company. After careful consideration, we concluded that your Inglesina lines meet our customer needs and we would like to add your products to our company. We look forward working with you in the future.
Zekanovic Feedback
Smiljana, your rough draft is very clear and concise. One thing I would do to improve your e-mail is to replace "are good and well-built enough". You could replace it with something along the lines of "meet our high quality standards". One grammatical error that I noticed was that Inglesina "lines" should be singular and "meet" should be plural. Other than that I liked how you added that you look forward to working with them. Overall, you were very clear, maintained a positive tone throughout, and had a great rough draft. With a few small revisions you will have an outstanding final draft. 
Geyer Rough Draft
Our e-tailing site,, specializes in only the best products to cater to the needs of parents of newborns, infants, and toddlers.We constantly scour the world looking for products; that are well-built and classy enough to take their place alongside the hundreds of other carefully selected products that adorn the pages or our award-winning website.We strive for greatness every time we select a product to join this portfolio. We do not want to waste our time with products that might sell a half dozen units per year. In order to justify our expense and hassle factor in adding it to the above mentioned portfolio, we want every product to be a top-notch success, selling at least one hundred units per specific model per year. After careful consideration, we thusly concluded that your Inglesina lines match our needs and would therefore like to include your product on our line. I am excited to do business with you and cannot wait to hear back. 
Geyer Feedback
Ryan, your rough draft is very thorough and detailed. I like how you ended your rough draft stating how excited you are to do business with them. As I stated above for Trystan, another aspect that could be worked on is to talk a little more about them and not so much about "you". I would take out the sentence beginning with "We do not want to waste our time"  to make it more clear and concise. You definitely got your point across in the e-mail and made it known that you are holding them to a high standard. Overall, your e-mail is very well-written and you did use very effective and appropriate words. 
The Cuban Revolution was an armed revolt led by Cuba's current dictator Fidel Castro with the intent of overthrowing the corrupt president Fulgencio Batista. In short, my grandfather pictured above arriving in Key West from Cuba was one of the first of the rebels fighting for the freedom of country. As soon as he realized that the rebels were working with the communist party, he and a few of the rebels formed an anti-revolutionary group. When I hear his stories, he always make it clear that there was no fear when bullets were flying past him because he was fighting for something he believed in and he was willing to die for it. He was later captured by the rebels led by the current dictator Fidel Castro which ordered for his assasination. He escaped the train that was en-route to his "final destination" and spent weeks hiding in the mountains before escaping to the United States. From being exiled from the country in which he lived his entire life to coming to United States with nothing but the clothes on his back.
I look up to my grandfather, not only because of what he has done, but what he believes in. His qualities represent how I would like to be in the future. He believes in fighting for what you want and what you believe in. I tie these same beliefs into my life and remember that if you believe in something, you have to fight for it. The one thing that he has always told me which constantly resonates in my head is that there is no reason not to follow your heart. He is reason why I have many the positive qualities that I do, including being honest, proactive, balanced, generous, and passionate. He constantly reminds me that giving back is the most rewarding and genuine act that can be done. I am a passionate accounting major who has aspirations to one day give back one day by starting a non-profit organization and working as hard as I have to, to do so.
The quote above by Nelson Mandela has always stuck with me, it reminds me that without passion life is nothing. For me giving up has always been harder than trying. When you play small and settle you trade that for the opportunity to grow and live fully. I always put forth full effort towards everything because in the long run it will pay off.
Entrepreneurial-minded, result-driven, and distinctly ambitious are a few qualities that describe me. I have always been enthralled and found a thrill in gaining a new perspective through experience. Open to any challenging opportunities to dedicate my time. I have always tried to avoid blending in by carrying myself with a sense of uniqueness, with the intention of giving a new slant or outlook on things. A few other characteristics that paint a better picture of who I am are dynamic, motivated, disciplined, and generous. I believe it is important in life to diminish the fine line between what you love and what you do because it shapes who you are.
Alexander Novo Employment Portfolio

Alexander Novo Employment Portfolio

Alexander Novo Employment Portfolio


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