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Holy Bible: Illustrated Alive

Concept Advertisements - Graphically Illustrated Bible (by SDA Church)
The Word of God coming to life.
Purpose: Ignite the imagination of the viewer in relation to any preconceived notion that the Bible is a dull book.
Motivation: I have come to the conclusion that the Bible is the inspired word of God, and thanks to Jesus Christ, humanity will not be subject to this state of sin and death much longer. However, I recognize that others may disagree and I respect their free choice to do so. But I do also hope to remind others that this book can be appreciated regardless of whether one believes in the content as absolute truth or not. 
1 Page Ad - The Red Sea parting.
2 Page Spread - The wise men visit Christ with gifts. (Note: Scripture never explicitly states "3 wise men," only 3 gifts. Scholars agree there could be any number of wise men. Hence my 4 count).
This was a fun project to work on. Hope it may inspire folks out there somehow or another.
Thank you for taking a moment to look!
Holy Bible: Illustrated Alive

Holy Bible: Illustrated Alive

Designed intended to ignite the imagination of the viewer in relation to any preconceived notion that the Bible is a dull book.
