Angga Octaviano's profile

Dulux Paint Stop Motion TV Commercial

Advertising Design
TV Commercial
30 Seconds TV Commercial Video (Stop Motion)
Stop Motion Video Advertising
Chosen Brand
Dulux Paint
TVC Title
Happiness Is Your Color

This project is for educational purposes only.
Artwork posted in this page were created for university assignment.
Dulux TVC – ‘Happiness Is Your Color’

The idea of this Dulux TVC is to create stop motion animation using paper cut.

The concept is to create a miniature of city skylines/buildings from plain white paper. The camera will capture each frame based on how the entire buildings will fit to the frame. As the music goes on, the buildings will be painted upward to make like the equalizer of a music.

First scene, the camera will capture the upper part of all buildings, to create an opening for the viewers to think and imagine how if life had no colors. This means that no color, there will be no happiness. While capturing the buildings, the camera finally will be focused on a colorful building with Dulux billboard at the top of it, to represent the building as Dulux office and company. This means finally the happiness has been found.

Next, the camera will move to capture the lower part of the Dulux building, while the Dulux truck will be passed by in front of it. This means the happiness is spreading out to the entire city. After that, there will be three painters will dance in front of plain white buildings, to represent that they are painting the buildings.
Then, the camera will move to capture all the buildings in fit frame size, and the buildings will be painted upward as the music goes on.

After all of the buildings are painted, they will disappear one by one and turn out to be canned paints.

Finally, at the end, all of the Dulux canned paints will be displayed and the Dulux logo will appear in the middle as the transformation of the Dulux building that placed in the middle before.
Animatic Video
Final TV Commercial
The Process (Behind The Scene)
Dulux Paint Stop Motion TV Commercial

Dulux Paint Stop Motion TV Commercial

Dulux 30 Seconds TV Commercial *DISCLAIMER This project is for educational purposes only.
