Graeme Slight's profile

Pack Master Brief - Make8elieve Magazine

This project was completed for online arts and culture magazine Make8elieve .  The brief was to create an artistic interpretation of the topic Pack Master.  The term Pack Master means:
Packmaster is the term given to the "Alpha Wolf", or leader, of a pack of werewolves.
However, there was scope within the brief to interpreate the term Pack Master in different contexts such as banking (bankers), corporations and multi-nationals. 
The piece of work which I have created is an infusuion of critical design and modern art which represents how Western society is led by the Pack Master of banking.  Bankers and banking caused a massive collapse of the financial services industry leading to a second major Global Depression, the effects of which are still felt today.  I wanted to illustrate just one of the consequences of the corrupt bankers who brought down the system in the name of greed.  Despite the UK being a relatively wealthy, western country, there is almost a million people who cannot afford to eat and rely on charitable food banks to enable them to eat.  To see my research and thought process behind the design please visit the following link to gain a full understanding.
Pack Master Brief - Make8elieve Magazine

Pack Master Brief - Make8elieve Magazine

An infusion of critical / speculative design, graphic design and modern art. This is a critical / satirical piece of design created to raise awar Read More


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