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Cura - The Health Network

Develop a business plan for a new approach to a social network that targets a niche and fills a gap in the existing market. The concept should appeal to and engage a specific target market that could benefit from the network structure in a social or business environment.
The purpose of this project is to obtain a better understanding of the people who engage in social networks for the purpose of physical health, and mental wellness. The data collected will provide valuable solutions that will provide exceptional customer service.
Research Development
After concluding our competitive research we turned our focus to the users of health related networks. In order to gain a better understanding of how people currently use existing networks, as well as the gaps that exist in the current offerings, we employed research techniques that aide in uncovering the emotional aspects of their usage.
Natural Health Social Network – CURA
After looking at the research that was conducted, it was clear that one area of health that was not well represented through social networks was the natural approach to health. This could include homeopathic, holistic, and all natural approaches to health and wellness.
A village style community revolving around like-minded families who want only the best medical treatment. At the center of this community is the physician who can interact directly with each individual.
By providing this personalized network medical professionals will acquire additional patients, retain their existing patients, and boost their revenue. The patients will benefit from personalized healthcare that is tailored to their needs without having to jump through hoops to find helpful and accurate information. It will allow each user to participate in their own personal wellness and feel secure that they are receiving the best service possible.
Cura - The Health Network

Cura - The Health Network

Develop a business plan for asocial network that targets a niche market and fills a gap in the existing market.
