Chimera [Greek: Χίμαιρα, Chímaira]
The fire-breathing monster in Greek mythology, is a hybrid of lion, goat and snake. The terminology is also used to define any outcome of mixed elements. 
There was a period in my life that I experienced enormous stress and inside struggle about an important decision I was going to make. Feeling was awful. I felt like I don't belong to myself anymore, instead, my mind and body was teared into several parts and each get trapped in different chaos.
I made these digital images based on the concept of chimera. Using a mixture of media, including the messy drawing I did when I was in highly  stress and photo of me stifling myself with a plastic bag on my head, I try to capture my complex mental activity during that period. 


Chimera, the fire-breathing monster in Greek mythology, is a hybrid of lion, goat and snake. The terminology is also used to define any outcome o Read More
