Edmund Li's profile

Pacific Rim Movie Calligraphy

Screenshot from the movie showing the calligraphy work I developed for Mako Mori.
A full view of the calligraphy piece before it was mounted for the movie set.
Many other pieces were developed for Mako Mori, but not all were used. This is my personal favourite.
The Haiku poems were selected by the director to reflect the more feminine side of Mako Mori.
I also carved a stone seal for both Mako Mori and Stacker Pentecost. Although filmed, they didn't survive the final cut.
Chinese calligraphy was developed for Stacker Pentecost. All phrases were extracted from "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu (544 BC – 496 BC).
Pacific Rim Movie Calligraphy

Pacific Rim Movie Calligraphy

In 2012, I was commissioned to develop a series of Chinese and Japanese calligraphy pieces for the movie "Pacific Rim". The Japanese shodo pieces Read More
