A lot of time I was intrested in street art.For that painting I had some problems with police cause they catched me when I was painting in a deepn night.That drawning wasn't finished and I still have problems with police for it.
 flyer for my blog: http://cinematicmonkeybussines.blogspot.com/
L’eau Du Robinet is a concept so far away from the top fashioned  playlists and the self proclamed experimental gurus, Krzysztof Pokora is just a young producer  expading his knowledge throught art capturing the confortable moments from life… is work have philosophy  behind the music and it rises all his concepts secretly from jazzy breaks to exotica flashbacks all splited in 12 tracks each one with unique and singular details. right now i fell jazzy ..do you ?
"Trip-hop, nu-jazz, and breakbeats with some oldies flavours, from some movies or jazz tunes.This "Innocent Magician" gives us fourty minutes of enjoyable sound travel" 
"Innocent magician" was previously realesed in Japan netlabel "Bump Foot" in April 26, 2009 as L'eau du robinet project before rebranding its cd cover and name of the project and moving to All rights reserved. 

If you want support my work 
please purchase my albums here on Bandcamp.I'm no longer creative common culture member and all my albums are rerelased now in All rights reserved,so if you downloading my music for free you are violating my rigths .Musicians are also paying bills and work hard:)
Still dreaming was realesed on creative common rights in UK netlabel Random Flow and had the other cd cover.Cover has been rebranded.Second album of Cinematic Monkey project is focussed more on nu jazz vibes mixed with trip hop flavours and cinematic electronica.Album doesn't exist anymore in Random Flow netlabel,now you can purchased it here on Bandcamp.Cd cover was rebranded .When "Still dreaming"was realesed on creative common rights it had about 4000 downloads and really good feedback from englih listeners.The founder of Random Flow -Ben Raynard has decided to close netlabel in 2013 but he left all albums on archive.com.I asked Ben not to recover my albums on archive."Still dreaming now is rebranded with new cd cover and new band name. 

Random Flow description: 

Random Flow is a hip hop label unlike any other – instead of signing artists up in order to milk them of as much cash as possible, our aim is to give their music away. Free. Why? Have we taken leave of our senses? No – because we believe that the music industry itself has. 

Put it this way – big corporate labels aren’t interested in music any more – their eyes only light up when they hear the “ker-CHING” of the cash register. So by offering all of our catalogue for free download via the web, we’re shifting the attention back to the music itself, and allowing the skill and creativity of the artists to shine. 

If you like what we're doing then get in touch viawww.myspace.com/randomflow - we're always interested in hearing from our listeners, especially if you feel that your music would sit nicely on the label!




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