The goal of this project was to compose a provided body of text in a manner that expresses its meaning. The text was set in Adobe Garamond at 9 point.
We began by reading the text to understand its basic meaning, and then forming a concept.
We could use variations in alignment, leading, line length, orientation and spacing, but had to avoid variations in weight or size. We could also break the paragraph into smaller elements and distribute them within the square.
My concept consisted of pulling out two sentences that featured words describing typography. In an attempt to highlight these words, I set them in different variations. The top and bottom paragraphs both consist of nine lines, whether text or space, right justified so that the two pulled out sentences appear highlighted.
The goal of this project was to design a table of contents with provided text. We were to come up with two solutions: one using only Adobe Garamond at 9 point, and the other using some interesting combination of typefaces. We could experiment with different typefaces and incorporate variations in size, as well as edit the text to determine what was most relevant.
We had to consider the importance of contrast when mixing typefaces: that any shift in typeface, size or weight should be emphasized. It was important to avoid mixing two different serif or san-serif typefaces together, and instead create a solution that successfully mixes serif and san-serif fonts.
The first solution, set in Adobe Garamond at 9 point and using periods as horizontal rules.
The second solution, set in Bodoni Bold (the large chapter numbers) and Bold Italic (the chapter titles), and Helvetica Light for the chapter subtitles.
"Tone (The Visual Kind)"
The goal of this project was to create a 'magazine page' that separate textual information through tone. The text was taken from the Comments section of Wired Magazine.
A layout using the typefaces Univers and Clarendon.
Typographic Exercises

Typographic Exercises

Assignments for my Intro to Typography studio class.
