Kati Fabry's profile

Viticulture and winemaking – handbook re-design

Viticulture and winemaking in the garden – a handbook for everyone who decided to plant and tend grapevines in the backyard and for the ones who decided to make wine of it. 
The aim of this degree project was to re-design an old and typographically and visually poor textbook.
Two main colours divide the book into two parts (green for viticulture and deep red for winemaking). 
The cover possesses both the symbols of the two fields: a bunch of grapes turns into drops of wine dripping into a glass. 
cover from the outside: punched holes forming a bunch of grapes
...and the inside of the folded-in cover: we see drops of wine landing in a glass
Recommended Hungarian types of grapes according to certain parts of the country
Viticulture and winemaking – handbook re-design

Viticulture and winemaking – handbook re-design

A handbook re-design as a degree project: how to make a dry and dull textbook into something more special.
