Jonni Ketcher's profile

Transformers Elite - Flamewar

Flamewar, for all intents and purposes, started as a joke when we began this project.
With so few developed female Decepticons, we had to scrape the bottom of the barrel a little bit when we were thinking up opposition to Elita One's team. However, luck would have it that at the time I had been playing TF: Legends, a mobile card game that had you collecting character cards like pokemon cards.
We joked about Flamewar's bio, and how it was narrowed down to hunting down the sole character Arcee. But the more we joked, the more we realized how utterly obsessed someone would have to be to dedicate their entire existence to studying a person's moves in order to defeat them.
Character design by Sydney.
Character development by Sydney and Anjali
Icons by Anjali
Transformers Elite - Flamewar

Transformers Elite - Flamewar

Character design of Decepticon Flamewar for the project Transformers Elite.
