Full cream milk has it rough these days. Skim, Low GI, 2% 1%, ALMOND(go figure) and Lactose Free are all taking away from the goodness that full cream milk has to offer. Using the fact that full cream milks stigma has reduced lately with studies linking consumption to a lower risk of hear disease, and as part of a healthy lifestyle also helps prevent obesity it's time to let the original milk shine again.
Trying my hand at long copy. This is a work in progress as I tweak it, so any comments appreciated.
A digital campaign aimed at older drinkers, and those most prone to heart disease. Partnering with the Heart Foundation to promote healthy lifestyles and food choices.
Full Fat Milk

Full Fat Milk

Full cream milk has it rough these days. Skim, Low GI, 2% 1%, ALMOND(go figure) and Lactose Free are all taking away from the goodness that full Read More
