Design a headquarters’ office for an educational toy company where working employees enjoy a stress-free environment and interactivity within the space will bring to further and broaden creativity and imagination, inspiring functional, productive working environment yet aesthetically pleasing for both employees and company’s visitors, symbolizing the company’s image.
DESIGN CONCEPT: Continuous Transformation.

The innovative design will transform the workspace from a typical office to a playful one. By introducing such interactivity into the space, it can encourage and broaden originality, creativity and productivity. It will allow designers to indulge and experiment their products, live in the mindset of the children they are designing for, and further their imaginations; as it can also assure a stress-free and a joyful working environment.
Third Level Floor Plan
Third Level Reflected Ceiling Plan
Second Level Floor Plan
Second Level Reflected Ceiling Plan
Sense Ability

Sense Ability

Sense Ability is an educational entertainment company based in Daytona Beach, Florida. They design, develop, and market technology based learning Read More
