In big cities oxygen levels are often below the optimum for the human body, thus causing tiredness and exhaustion. According to National Geographic, marine and fresh water plants, most of which are algae species, produce 70-80% of the oxygen in our atmosphere. Spirulina, a microalgae, is a significant oxygen producer and the most nutritious organism on earth. The NASA is carrying out detailed studies on this subject in connection with manned long-term space trips.
O2Light is designed to increase the oxygen level within homes. By adjusting the special light source, which favours algae photosynthesis, the user can regulate Spirulina's oxygen production. Under optimal growing conditions algae mass doubles every 24h.
The problem is that algae growth is also a limiting factor since it causes the water to get denser and more light-absorbing. By regularly harvesting the algae productivity can be maximised. The extracted biomass can be used as a healthy additive for juices. 

Young urban people value a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. O2Light brings the future of biotechnology to their homes. By producing oxygen-enriched air and nutritious food additives it directly contributes to the user's well-being. Due to its stylish design and green brightness O2Light is an eyecatcher and demonstrates the modernism of its owner.
Although designed for open-plan kitchens the portable device can be used in various living environments. Built in larger sizes O2Light is also perfect for commercial places such as offices or sport studios. 


The stylish device produces oxygen using microalgae. As a by-product of the air purification process valuable nutritious biomass is generated.
