Client: Fro Knows Photo
Art Director: Jared Polin
Jared Polin is one of the most influencial photography bloggers around, and arguably the preeminent expert on shooting "raw". He approached me about designing an 8-bit style shirt with his "I SHOOT RAW" catchphrase on it and after seeing some of his first-person photography tutorials I immediately thought a first-person shooter spoof of the game DOOM would be a perfect fit.
This was the initial design, however we decided that a silk-screen shirt would be nicer quality so we had to reduce the number of colors.
This was the final design, simplified to six colors.
Jared then used the heads up display in his promotional video for the shirt, which I think was a lot of fun!
I Shoot Raw


I Shoot Raw

T-shirt design for Jared Polin / FroKnowsPhoto
