Designing for Innovation and User Interaction.

Working with a leading information technology company, our small team used people-centered research methods to perceive areas of opportunity in which to create new, meaningful experiences with current and emerging technologies.

Pulse offers users the ability to customize and experience temporary environments as a way to align physical, mental, and emotional states with current needs. It takes advantage of new and improved sensory technologies and combines visual, auditory and olfactory-affecting functionality for the purpose of personal improvement - whether that be increased energy, relaxation, or more practical needs such as organization and efficiency.

Content and applications can be scaled up to allow total immersion and personalization based on an individual's needs. Increased content access and new tracking/feedback technologies combine to make this system a convergence of emerging and effective possibilities.

Personal Roles :
Project Manager/Leader
Ideation Tool Developer
Meeting Facilitator
Layout/Production (design document)

Rebecca Gleason, Kara Schoeff, Evan Strater, Lindsay Callahan
Copyright: Herron School of Art and Design
Our team, discussing and analyzing loads of research. From left: Rebecca Gleason, Evan Strater, Kara Schoeff (seen), Lindsay Callahan (hidden). Sorry Lindsay!
A simple provocation tool we developed for creativity and concept exploration. With this set of 'mix and match' cards, participants explore the intersection of random devices and technologies, often leading to interesting solutions.
We gave several students small journals to track areas of high expectation and misalignment in their everyday lives.
Early data analysis/pattern finding.
My background in illustration came in handy for this project . These are some illustrations created to help communicate the final design.
The Pulse device in one of its potential contexts, illustrating a waking experience.

A visual outline of the Pulse system, its components and how they work together.
A very high-level use case that spans system devices.
A super-simplified outline for the remote programming application of the Pulse experience.
This and the following wireframes illustrate the first exploration of the UI for a small slice of the programming feature.
Click on this link to view initial design document with full descriptions.


Working with a leading information technology company, our small team used people-centered research methods to perceive areas of opportunity in w Read More
