Brodie Vickers's profile

Reimagined Rear Window Blue-ray cover

I was commissioned by the Blue-ray Disc Association to design a cover for the upcoming re release for Alfred Hitchcocks film Rear Window.
I think the target audience would probably be Males/Females from 15+, I think the design would apply mostly to the fans of Alfred Hitchcocks and also of the posters that promoted them.
I will make sure that the dimensions match those of a Blue ray case, so that would be
I will then maker a brainstorm to help give me some ideas of what I could include in the cover, I will also need to use colour coding so I can decide on what wouldnt work, might work, will work.
I will then have to make a mind map so I can expand upon these ideas.
I will then need to start sketching some ideas, ideas gained from brainstorm and mind map will definitley help at this point, I will also have to experiment with my ideas when sketching.
I will then need to pitch my Blue ray cover to my tutor, this should result in them telling me what I can look at to help expand my research (in my case Criterion and Saul Bass).
After researching and designing in my sketch book, I began to design the Blue ray cover in illustrator.
The character font that I used was Berlin Sans FB Demi Bold, the font size for the titlewould be between 48-96pt and the font size for the above sub-text would be between 22-32pt.
I then opened the design into Photoshop and included the Cream coloured Fibre paper and the Splatter texture.
Reimagined Rear Window Blue-ray cover

Reimagined Rear Window Blue-ray cover

Another favorite, reimagined Blue-ray cover for Rear Window.
