A bunch of sketches that gathers a few quick concepts that I liked. Most of the time when I draw it looks like that. I try to lay down on paper what's on my mind as fast as possible. A big part ends up in the trash can but when i see something that i like I pick it up and try to develop a concept.
Some of the pencil drawings I used to do when I was a teen. As lot ofkidsof that age I was really intothe sci-fi and heroic fantasy stuff.
A bit of my technical student work.
Here are thumbnails of sketches that I collected and edited for presentation sake.
It's all almost all the time about creatures mecanic stuff and characters.
I noticed that I drew a lot of helmets. Maybe because it's such a good mix of character attributes and design fundamentals.
Sometimes, I use tradionial acrylic  paint when i want to make rough renderings. It's a very plastic and handy stuff that enables speed on large surface. It dries quite fast and give freedom in your graphic work.
I think my favorite tool is the traditionnal black ball pen. When you get used to it it's almost like a grey pencil with all the shades you can create.
The cool part with design is that it has to stay fun. You need to enjoy what you're doing to achieve good stuff.
It's very interesting to draw with small consideration regards to realism or practical application. You need to stay free to explore the shapes and the patterns before you start to wonder how it's going to work for real. 