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Uso-Mania-Peak (bandwagon peak)
Uso = n. (cognition) ~ bandwagon
A Local Hotspot for selfies isn’t called Usomania peak for nothing, this particular land form has risen higher that its original height of 1000 meters above sea level as it caught insta fame in social media. Now the greener grass of social acceptance had a clutter of bottles and instant noodle cups decorating the natural scene.
Osmeña Peak, south of Cebu is located high up the Mantalungon mountain ranges in the municipality of Dalaguete. Getting there was no easy feat, but the peak had us with its amazing view of the so-called vegetable basket of Cebu. Along our trip, we made pit stops from the Aguinid waterfalls of Samboan to the marine sanctuaries of Moalboal, before getting to the peak.
The following images are the beautiful sceneries.


A Local Hotspot for selfies isn’t called Usomania peak for nothing, this particular land form had risen higher that its original height of 1000 m Read More
