Embracing the small beauties of life. I loved how I did no editing and that the art created itself. On this particular day there was a certain radience and aura that I feel has assimilated with me. I feel as though the camera did nothing for once; I did not feel like the photographer or filmmaker but simply an observer and witness to the beauty earth has.I do not want sound pretenious or a generic artist by using flowers as  medium or inspiration. I know there are many paintings,poems,songs,etc about flowers. But the flower's aesthetic is something that alludes me; its mystery,its fragileness but yet its respect it recieves from us( the earth,humans,animals,insects.) The flower is one to simply admire. I love the idea of collecting flowers digitally. No longer having to pluck them from their life support and habitat to have them decay and rot on someones table or the waiting room of a doctors office.


The earth is a living being.


Creative Fields