My name is Kathryn and I am 21 years old living in New York. I live in Allen, New York. It is a very small town with a small population. I am currently in college and am living in my own apartment alone. There is an old story around town that is still going on today. People say that there was an old house built in the same location as where my apartment is now, although the house was destroyed because it was abandoned after 2 years when an insane mother who had been having some issues murdered her 10-year-old daughter. I have heard some people say that they feel weird whenever they pass my apartment and they think that the daughter’s spirit is still living in here. Most of the people believed that it was not true. I was one of them. I recently moved here and the house seems fine to me. I hear some scratches at night, but I think that those are only cats on the roof. I want to see if what the people were saying is true. I planned to explore the place 2 months after I moved.
As I was walking through my backyard, I found this abandoned tree house. It was covered with large trees, so it was hard to see. The neighbors told me that the young girl who was killed would stay here most of the time because her mother was always drunk and she did not want to get near her. She would play here every time with her friend, but eventually left alone because her friend had to go to a different country. The house was gone. It was removed because the girl burned it down. She was playing with fire that day. Fortunately she was saved by one of her neighbors. There are still swings and a little plastic play-house behind the tree. It was given to her by her aunt since she did not have the treehouse anymore. My kitchen is facing the way where the treehouse is. One time when I was cooking I took a glance at it and I saw the swing moving back and forth and heard kids’ voices. I checked to see if anyone was there, but there wasn’t.
Inside the house there is a short hallway that goes from the kitchen and living room through my bedroom. Every night when I watch television, I could hear footsteps in the hallway. Even when I am sleeping in my room. I would get up and check if there was something there or I am just stressed from school. It could get distracting when I try to study and I hear the footsteps. It usually happens at night. I thought about getting a dog so I wouldn’t feel alone, but I still don’t have time for a pet because I need to focus on school.
There is a weird feeling in my room. Sometimes I feel cold and I get chills even when the windows are closed. My bed is facing the closet. I know that I always close it at night before I go to sleep. Yes, I still fear the “monster in the closet.” I have been scared to leave my closets open at night and I have gotten used of the habit of closing them before I go to bed. Next to my closet is a window. I feel like there is always someone peeking at me through it. That is why I always pull the blinds down at night.

After walking around the house, I went to my bed played music on my phone and just closed my eyes. When I woke up my music stopped playing and I had my blanket on me, which I don't remember putting it on. I went on my phone to check and see if the power died. It was almost fully charged. I noticed something strange. My phone's background picture was a picture of me sleeping. And I live alone.

Horror Story: Alone

Horror Story: Alone

5 paragraph-photo story


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