Pride Week at Wayne State university is a yearly event hosted by their GLBTA Student Union. This year I was asked to create a unique visual identity for their events and promotional material. 
I started with creating custom hand drawn typography for the event week.
After meeting with the GLBTA student union and going over some of the designs they've had in the past for their pride week, we agreed that it would be nice to see some dynamic designs that didn't place so much emphasis on a rainbow color pallette. I instead decided to focus on the symbolic pink trianlge, to emphasize it's historical roots within the community. I developed dynamic geometic patterns using variations of the symbol to create a back drop to be combined with the text logo.
Two posters were created that utilize both the pride text triangle logo, and imagery of the university's iconic buildings as a backdrop. The first poster was displayed in common areas on campus, and handed out as a flyer as well, to show the week long calendar of events.
The second poster is for their highlight event, which would close out the week of pride events: The pride Prom and performance night.
For each of the specific events associated with the Pride Week, I was asked to create a facebook banner for their event pages. The following designs are those banners.
Pride Week 2015