Odds and Ends
Some different pieces of art that probably don't need an entire project each
This idyllic UDK scene was a very quick realisation of an Autumnal Maple grove in real-time
Time taken - 1 hour.
This was my second ever graphics tablet creation, depicting a concept for a wooden jungle statue. I like to think that my skills developed quite quickly!Time Taken - 15 hours.
This ruins concept depicts a structure from the inside. Thankfully, I'm getting quicker at doing these (although I still got hand-cramp after finishing it).
Time Taken - 8 hours.
This watery concept art was created using a graphics tablet and Photoshop.
Time taken - 5 hours.
A rough character concept of a woman suitable for my UDK Jungle Area.
Time Taken - 45 mins.
The robot character concept was an old creation of mine from way back in secondary school art classes. I decided to give him a bit of a jungle update in a similar vein to the female concept above.
Time taken - 45 mins.
Odds and Ends

Odds and Ends

A miscellaneous collection of my artwork.
