Raúl Vidaña's profile

Los Cuatro Frutasticos

This was a project assigned to me; which aimed to create a movie trailer-like short to encourage people to eat more fruits in their diet and, at the same time, showing them the benefits of doing so. 
It's not common to get a Character Design first try. And by "not common" I actually mean: never. The process was pretty much the same, but surprisingly the changes that had to be made we're minimum. Since the characters depicted real-life people, changes were expected but would never cross the "re-design" threshold. 
The backgrounds we're, personally, a bit hard. I had never done anything like this and in such quantities before. I'm showing you a few of the many backgrounds I had to create. The concept was a blue-depressive surrounding which would ultimately change to a mango-orange color once a fruit was ingested.
Puppet animation was used to give these characters life. Adobe Flash and After Effects were used to create the movements and special FX (such as the glowing mango, wind, and transition from gloomy to happy backgrounds). 
Video Editing by Jose Luis Martinez R. 
Los Cuatro Frutasticos


Los Cuatro Frutasticos

Animated short meant to encourage people to include more fruits in their daily diet.
