A hypothetical exo-moon orbiting a gas giant, around a red dwarf star. The planet is Gliese 687 b (gas giant 18 times the mass of Earth), orbiting
in the habitable zone of an M-type star (a red dwarf much smaller and cooler than our sun).  We do not yet have technology to detect moons orbiting exoplanets, but we are likely to see much advancement in the coming decades. It's possible that some of these moons in the habitable
zone could have conditions suitable for life. This work represents one such scenerio.
Trinary System
This is Gliese 667 Cf, a planet orbiting in the habitable zone of a red dwarf. This star is part of a triple system, it orbits a pair of K-type stars (Gliese 667 A and B), 73% and 69% the mass of the sun, respectively. The red dwarf (Gliese 667 C) is about 31% the mass of the sun. The star hosts 6 known planets, with a 7th candidate. This system is the only one found to date with a fully packed habitable zone, with 3 "super-earths" that could support liquid water.


I love astronomy, and I am especially interested in new discoveries being made as we learn more about our universe. NASA's Kepler Mission has dis Read More
