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Chamán - Logo Design & Stand

Chamán - Logo Design

What is Chamán (Shaman)?

The Word Chamán (Shaman) is a kind of medicine man who practices shamanism. Shamans were believed to be able to talk to the spirit world, usually animal spirits. The job of the shamans are believed to be is healing, weather control or any other supernatural stuff. In some tribes shamanism is important such as the Yanomamis (a Venezuelan tribe in the Venezuelan forest) A shaman was a person who had a special connection to the spiritual world.

In this Logo Chamán is a venezuelan gastronomic concept by the venezuelan chefs Nelson Méndez that is Yanomami and Domingo Alfonzo
This Logo is created for a Stand tahta is going to be in many Gatrofestivals and events selling meat in the pure style venezuelan "llanos" named Carne en Vara. Also they cook many hot sauces, made with exotics animals like some ants  from venezuelan amazonia.
Chamán - Logo Design & Stand


Chamán - Logo Design & Stand

Chaman Brand - Food Brand by Yanomami Chef Nelson Méndez & Domingo Alfonzo Whats is a Chamán (Shaman) A shaman is a kind of medicine man who p Read More
