Alexis Marcou is an artist which I have admired for a while, I love his style and the way he blends the physical and digital aspects of his work. So I thought it was about time I had a go at making something for myself, doing my best to replicate his eye-catching and unique style. 
Avengers: Age of Ultron was soon to be released, which made me want to make something using some aspect or character from the film. This was a good opportunity to have a go at Alexis Marcou's style also. I had a few ovious choices when it came to choosing a subject, Captain America's shield would have worked, as well as Iron Man's faceplate. I went for Thor's hammer because I've already done some things around Iron Man and Cap's shield is something already used quite frequently.
Drawing has never been my strong point, which is why haven't tried this sooner, but I feel very happy with how it turned out, I surprised myself a little as it could have gone so much worse, but it's still nowhere near the standard of Alexis Marcou's work. What this has done however is make me more confident with drawing and more likely to use it for a future project.


An emulation of Alexis Marcou's art style and a personal experiment.
