Some samples of slides I worked on during my 15 month internship at Cramer, a marketing studio.
Cramer recently did a full brand refresh for PTC. 

I worked on the new brand guidelines. 

Here are just a few of the slides.
Layouts for new PTC corporate brand book. Pulled in the secondary colors that matched well with the new brand.
Layouts for new PTC corporate brand book
Layouts for new PTC corporate brand book
Marriott's 2015 Connect Conference was a big event for Cramer, a lot went into it. I worked on aspects such as this timeline for the production schedule, and the wall layouts of the rooms.
A timeline designed for the Marriott Hotels Connect Conference
Sample Slides

Sample Slides

These are some examples of slides I worked on at Cramer over my year and 3 months there as a design intern.
