The client wanted a video that would inform tourists visiting Pioneer Village about the lives of the founding residents of Osceola County in an engaging way.  I used music, sound effects, stroytelling techniques, and careful planning to create this effective and engaging video for tourists.  I utilized dual channels to keep learners engaged and reduce cognitive load. Being cognizant of cognitive load is beneficial for classroom and training environments. Below is the final iteration of my tourist video.
The client provided the information necessary to inform tourists of the founding residents of Osceola County.  It was my job to put that information into an engaging video.  The first step was to create the script.
Before I could add the music, sound effects, and narration to the video, I had to first plan out how and when the different elements of the script would be added.  This was the edit decision list (EDL)  I used for the video.  This EDL helped guide my script and the overall video production.
The client wanted a video, so it was time to put the music, sound effects, and narrative into a video.  In this earlier version, I utilized character voices, but for this particular project, I found that the character voices were more of a distraction and did not add to the instructional quality of the video.  From this draft, I adjusted the script to leave out character voices.  I also used the Blu Snowball mic to record the narration for the final draft of the video, which helped take away the distracting background noises.  I also adjusted the overall pacing of the final video, which can be seen and heard at the top of the page.
Pioneer Village

Pioneer Village

By using music and audio, I created an engaging video for tourists that explains the lives of the founding residents of Osceola County.
