For the whole month of August 2015, we were on the road. We left our sixth travel home Arran on the 1st and from then on we slept in about 20 different beds, drove 2000 miles or more, listened to Hatful Of Hollow once, Pearl once, Highway 61 Revisited once, Straight Outta Comptom once and the list goes on and on. We had one big argument and we took 4 hours to get over it. We met and got to know about 8 different and interesting and new people, and we were reunited with 6 older special people. We laughed more times than I can count. We learnt three new things about ourselves (each), and we only discovered what we would be doing and where we would be living in September in the last few days of August. I turned 25 and we celebrated 5 years together. We pulled over for many more reasons than needing to pee and we broke the law once or twice too. We read two books and we saw wild dolphins and we wandered into the horcrux cave and went to the biggest arts festival in the world and the birthplace of the Beatles and we couchsurfed in London for a week. At the end we had almost no money, and it was the best August I have ever had.
The greatest reward and luxury of being on the road is to be able to experience everyday things as if for the first time, to be in a position in which almost nothing is so familiar it is taken for granted. X
All photos are my own property © Robynne Peatfield
August on the Road


August on the Road

Our time on the road in August around Scotland and down to London and the South of England.
