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Refuge on the Periphery - Final Stage 2 Design Project

As a line of enquiry, this project focuses upon newly homeless rough sleepers and the psychological issues which surround these individuals. This may be seen as either the result of their situation or an underlying causal factor.Through this project, I aim to provide a support facility  and means of ‘escape’ for newly homeless rough sleepers with mild psychological conditions. Facilitating the first step towards rehabilitation, the site is concealed from societal pressures in the city centre, providing a refuge where problems can be addressed in a more tranquil setting. 
“The space in which we live, which draws us out of ourselves, in which the erosion of our lives, our time and our history occurs, the space that claws and knows at us, is also, in itself, a heterogeneous space” [1]
Seeking rehabilitation is encouraged, as the individual is no longer   forcibly required to enter into an overwhelming environment to seek help (especially after long periods of solidarity). Treatment, in the form of Creative / Art Therapy, can then take place with less of an overbearing influence from societal pressures - which may have been causal factors for the development of the psychological condition.
“Art is the meeting ground of the world inside and the world outside.” [2]
Through this process, the sharing of thoughts and stories can be stimulated through a less intimidating medium - especially if communication  through symbolic self-expression forms a creative outlet, reducing discomfort.  
Arguing that the psychological disorders in question cause the rough sleeper to experience a disconnect/displacement from society, “the heterotopia begins to function at full capacity when men arrive at a sort of absolute break with their traditional time”[3]. The sea offers a different sense of place; one that is  heavily influenced by transience and passing time. Maintaining  a strong connection to the sea, its calming nature can become integrated with activities on site, providing a space for reflection that is exposed to natural sensory stimuli. From this, the rough sleeper is offered a space to reflect and reconnect with their ‘traditional time’.  
[1] M. Foucault. Of Other Spaces. Diacritics, vol 16, no. 1 (spring,1986) p23.  
[2] E. Ulman. Art Therapy in Theory and Practice, (Berlin: Schocken Books, 1975). 
[3] M. Foucault. Of Other Spaces. Diacritics, vol 16, no. 1 (spring,1986) p26.
Refuge on the Periphery - Final Stage 2 Design Project

Refuge on the Periphery - Final Stage 2 Design Project

BA Architecture - final second year design project at Plymouth University (2014)
