Redesign the packaging for a well-known product of your choice. Factors that should be considered in your redesign are aesthetics, practicality, the cost of production and the target market. 

I chose to redesign Toblerone’s packaging. I discovered that there is a lot more symbolism in the original logo than meets the eye, so I wanted to emphasize this. Firstly, the mountain is the famous Matterhorn Mountain in Bern, Switzerland.
Bern is also known as the “City of Bears” and has a bear in it’s coat of arms. At a closer look at the logo, there is a bear that was designed into the mountain. I wanted to bring this out more, so I repeated the same bear on the other side of the packaging.
The typeface that I used is Helvetica as it was designed by a Swiss designer, written in the colours of the Swiss Flag. The white writting brings out another hidden symbol, which is the name, Bern, where Toblerone was created. The overlapping of the letters is a popular design trend in Swiss typography at the moment.
Lastly, I changed the background to black as it symbolises power and it stands out by appearing more expensive.


Redesign the packaging of a well-known product
