I was randomly given two words from the dictionary, and my task was to create a new word that could alphabetically fit between them in the dictionary, while also creating a unique description based on the two original words' definitions, and poster that represents the definition of my new word.
These were the words I was given as my starting point.
I created the word Consquatious firstly, it was my choice out of quite a lot of other options, but I felt this word had a nice feel when said out loud.
The defintion of my word is:
Consquatious adj.
giving out too much secretive information to somebody who cannot be trusted, usually in the public eye. [from Latin cons quatia 'to reveal too much'.
The idea behind this word was due to how my words contradicted each other in my eyes. Conspire is often a word used when illegal things are happening, where as a Constable is there to enforce the law. I wanted the word Consquatious to suggest secretive information (inspired by the conspire side) being released (inspired by the idea of a member of the police force discovering a conspiracy)
The poster itself was created by using invisible ink.  I made a stencil and used lemon juice to write my word onto paper. I then used heat from a match to 'reveal' the invisible ink. I purposefully over burned some areas to emphasize the 'revealing of too much'.  The final image is a black and white photograph of my outcomes. 


A poster design for an invented word and dictionary definition, as a result of merging two existing words next to each other in the dictionary.
