Summer 15 is a compilation of works I did during the short lull around the busy summer internship and deadly thesis project back in 2015. A photoshoot for a fashion designer, my first food photography session and a few strokes with the Illustrator pen tool.

Pidi Fashionary Classick Collection | June 2015 - my first ever fashion photo-shoot. Pidi Fashionary is a clothing brand designed by Ms. Phuong Do of SoFA. Combining a mix of street chic and a rebel attitude, daring might be an understatement. You can check it out via her website or her Facebook page.
Bodhi | November 2015 - I'd call it a brainfart project, a spur of the moment design for a vegetarian restaurant after I ate in one of their branches and came out disappointed with the disconnect between their branding and the quality of their food. In many cases, well-branded restaurants tend to disappoint when it comes to their food and value; in this case, it was the other way around. So much for childhood memories.

A brand refresh rather than a complete rebranding.
The original logo featured process magenta and dark green as their colors. Upon doing designer due diligence, there was a multitude of international Bodhi Vegetarian Restaurants using the colors. In order to differentiate the Philippine edition, I chose a cross between purple and pink; it also has a side effect of being minimalistic and cost-saving when it come to printing costs - all in line with the Buddhist philosophy the restaurant is based upon.
Justine Aira | October 2015 - It was one of the long nights with my thesis when my Facebook chat popped up with a query from my collaborator, Daphne Tan. It was for a food shoot for one of our high school friends who recently turned to baking on the sidelines of her Master's degree classes. After the shoot, we also offered to take care of her branding - talk about business development. You check out her Facebook page here.
Summer 15

Summer 15

Works from latter half of 2015. A mash of branding & photography.
