MP3. About the spread of an ubiquitous file format.
CLEANER. About gender and housekeeping: equal access? Teach the boys to do their bit.....
BIFACES. Research on the production and evolution of stone tools.
CRIME. Relationship between suburban and urban zones.
ZORRO. He remains a bit of a stooge and clown.
FABRIC OF REALITY. Cosmology & Theories. Physics on the edge of about 13 dimensions.
CYCLISTA. Tour de France...sports à ma facon.
ACE OF SPADES. For my grandfather. RIP.
DIABLO. In Italy the 13 is considered a lucky number.
BULLRACE. Economy and European union. Y toros!
MICHELIN (reversed). I always wondered about him being white. Tires are not.
SCORPIO. Still some Wild West going on. Best staged in desert areas.


A series of illustrations I did for my 2015 portfolio. Originally, in the printed version each image is framed by typography, which relates in co Read More
