Shweta Sanzgiri's profile

Honey Bee Protection

What can we do to conserve honeybee life? The research will provide information and the importance of honeybees and the environment given thatthey pollinate most of nature’s growth that provide us with fruits and vegetables.A bee visits around a hundred flowers during pollination and is the only insect that creates food that is eaten by humans therefore their value to the environment is high yet they are unappreciated for their hard work. 
First, you are brought to the main menu that gives you a snippet of the honey bees, the threats and their impacts of the environment, agriculture and economy.

The harm of pesticides and deforestation can cause an unfortunate effect on the colonies and without pollination; we are deprived of crops and the beauty of nature. I plan to expand our awareness about these hard workers and their purpose to appreciate the work of the humble honeybee!
The Honey Bee Anatomy page is interactive thus by clicking the anatomy names, the function/use of their body part is revealed.
The target audiences for honeybee awareness are municipal leaders who have the power to make change to conserve honeybee life. We can address the problem of the decline in honeybees towards municipal leaders who can create laws can that better the survival of honeybees.
The Impacts pages is divided into two tabs: Pesticides and Deforestation. By clicking each + symbol, you are taken through the stages of how pesticides/deforestation affects the honey bees.

The government of Ontario created a law against pesticide use and a permit is required to sell/purchase it. The Pesticides Act was created to limit/prohibit pesticides and outlines that it effects the environment, cause damage/injury and can impact animal and plant life. 
Deforestation is another factor that should be avoided but there are things such as construction, economic development. The government needs to have a better idea of how deforestation is destruct bee life due to the fact that bee hives are located on tree thus it should be vital that if deforestation were necessary that the location should be searched properly for any bee hives and be moved to a safer location to guarantee a high survival rate. With less trees to create their hives, there are fewer colonies and workers sent out to pollinate and with less forestry there are less flowers and plants to pollinate.
The Environment Page goes through the different effects and facts of the honey bees' impacts on the environment and what deforestation can do to the beelife.
The Agriculture Page goes through the different effects and facts of the honey bees' impacts on the agriculture, farm life and bee keepers.
The Economy Page goes through the different effects and facts of the honey bees' impacts on different businesses, homes and industries.
Click on the video below to view the complete experience of the animation!
Honey Bee Protection

Honey Bee Protection

An information design project based on protecting the honeybees.
