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Drawing to recover | visual therapy for war children

Drawing to recover
Visual therapy for war children
In order to create an handbook for volunteers, I analyzed the reality of the charity works, especially the italian ones, and I focused on the matter of drawing as visual communication, a special instrument for communicating and recovering from PTSD.
This project wants to explore and develop the awareness on that field
which connects visual communication and psychology.
The topic of the visual therapy is barely discussed in Italy.
Visual therapy connects the nonverbal communication to a creative process,
it means that the visual communications stops to be a mass-product
and starts an individual expression. Then, it helps the relationship
between the unconscious and the conscious of a person.
All along, the human being had needed to show his own interior world.
An grown-up man, civilized, psychologically stable is able to express
himself through words and mental constructions.
By the way it couldn’t be so for children who don’t develop
a strong command of the language yet, or for the victims of
traumas that have cognitive and relational difficulties. In this
case the visual communication through drawings or paintings
can be a more appropriate way to express a feeling.
The child drawing could give the therapist many informations
on the baby’s life and past experiences; when the children draw
they feel free to express themselves and they can represent
their everyday life, and emotional conditions which reveal some
aspects of their attitude.
Therefore, child drawings can be used as a diagnostic tecnique for traumas.
If you are able to interpret the drawings in the right way,
you can understand the child’s interior conflict and how
it affects his attitude, his behavior and his mood.
The drawing is interpreted both graphically and for contents.
It means that the therapist studies the balance, the strength,
and the stroke, but also the meaning of a character,
his relationship with others and the position of the elements in the paper.
Drawing to recover | visual therapy for war children

Drawing to recover | visual therapy for war children

In order to create an handbook for volunteers, I analyzed the reality of the charity works, especially the italian ones, and I focused on the mat Read More
