Saskya Fun Sang's profile

Portfolio Ruskin MFA

Presences (#1) 2013 
This project is about disrupting spaces with new, unfamiliar presences.
The piece was left on the site in order for others to find it (Guayaquil, Ecuador)
Pieces made out of concrete.
Presences (#2), 2013

This project is about disrupting spaces with new, unfamiliar presences. 
The piece was left on the site in order for others to find it. (Guayaquil, Ecuador)
Pieces made out of concrete
Chapter 27: Experimental Art. From the series "The Story of Art" by E.H. Gombrich. 2013
Graphite on cardboard, 7.4"x8.2" each
The process of transformation from text to geometry, an antagonic game that allows for shapes to be created.
These shapes that may appear as random, are actually issued and governed by the connection of the words "art" and "artist", in this case using as a generator, chapter 27 of such an enigmatic text as The Story of Art by Gombrich, is. 
Text is here the producer of shapes that will be unknown until the final connection between those words is made.
The use of these two words that are so open and so limited at the same time, show the way art as an institution and the artist as creator and slave of what pushes him to creation, will always be the parameters under which the artwork would be determined. 

16 shapes for bullshit, 2014
55"x55" / Hand and machine sewn
15 love letters
4.9 years
4 words
Rice paper
Four words that were found in all the love letters were used as the "random" connecting points for the sixteen shapes presented on the piece.

Have You Hurt Yourself?, 2014
Muslin, thread

This Toilet paper was made entirely out of fabric and it has the question "have you hurt yourself?" sewn on 52 of its sheets. 
Most of the time the idea of failure comes hand in hand with a lack of control over things. In this case the lack of control is related to:
- The way people think about this piece (not enough anger, a “white flag”, me surrendering.)
- Me not knowing how to stop (I fail).
- The fact that every time he made that question he would have wanted me to say yes. 
And every time the answer was “No (not for you)”. (He fails)
Mejor Que Nunca (A Reflection On How To Survive Someone's Death), 2015
Instructions on how to survive your grandpa's death:
1. Record your dreams with him and screen print them on one side of the hand made paper 
2. Screen print some pictures of him that are related to the dreams you had on the other side 
3. Beg your grandma to give you something that he had with him all the time (reading glasses) 
4. Choose a phrase that he would always say: Mejor que nunca (Better than ever)
5. Hand sew that phrase the number of times equivalent to his age at the time of death (91)
6. Cry a little bit
7. Close the box
I Thought You Thought I Was Nice!, 2015
Screenprinted text on handmade felt
These quotes about me were collected ramdomly from some of my closest friends. 
When shown all together, a not very nice view about me is presented. 
They Say We Are All The Same, 2014
Handsewn thread  on rice paper
With this piece I wanted to explore ideas that have been enoforced by society that put me, as a woman, in a box were I cannot exist as an individual. "Women are all the same" is a statement that rejects our personal identity and individuality. 
Take One, 2013
Images of sexual workers, pennis, nail polish
This piece is about power: the power of sexual imagery, the power of sexual workers over their clients and viceversa, the power that comes from the money exchange that is made between them, but mainly the great power that prostitution as an economic institution possesses. 
Fried Eggs or Boobs and Even a Landscape at Times, 2015
Skins, 2015
I was interested in working around the idea of the skin as something that can be transform and I wanted to use a body part that was highly sexual and that embodies the idea of the "feminine".
My aim was to create something that would lose the immediate sexual feeling that comes attached to the breasts by using repetition, taking the piece to an abstract space that would allow for more open responses from the viewers.
Paper casts of breasts sewn together.
Mine, Yours and Ours. 2015
Around 6.5"x5"
These felt pieces were developed with the image of the vulva in mind and with the aim of breaking with stablished ideas on how a woman's body and bodies in general should look like.
I am interested in breaking with binaries and offering a wider, more abstract view of the body as something that could, and should be modify, if necessary.
Mine, Yours and Ours. 2015
These felt pieces were developed with the image of the vulva in mind and with the aim of breaking with stablished ideas on how a woman's body and bodies in general should look like.
I am interested in breaking with binaries and offering a wider, more abstract view of the body as something that could, and should be modify, if necessary.
Portfolio Ruskin MFA

Portfolio Ruskin MFA

Portfolio for Ruskin MFA application


Creative Fields