Short for the Syfy channel based on the phrase "Imagine Greater", where ordinary people are shown doing extraordinary things. I worked on this short with 2 other people, Laura Frick and Mallory Myers. I was the director and lead animator for the short, and also came up with the original concept of the city powered by bike energy.
Adobe Photoshop, 2012
The current cut of my senior film, it is in the process of being revamped. It's a creation story that tells about the struggle between Order and Chaos.
Adobe Flash and Photoshop, 2013
Internship animation for the UN Women's Association. I did prop design for the bike and plane, and also animated and cleaned up the bike and jump rope sections. The narration that goes along with the piece is not included for copyright reasons
Adobe Photoshop, 2012
This film was originally made for my Ideation and Process class in college; while studying Epigenetics we were assigned to create something involving memories inherited from an ancestor. This animation touches on the topic of bullying and feeling helpless, but wishing for the ability to fight back against your aggressors. The main character might be small, but even a chihuahua once had wolf blood in its family tree.
Adobe Flash, 2011
Scene from a collaborative project called STuCK. Experiment with special effects, syncing to music, and also using Flash tweens.
Adobe Flash, 2012
Stop motion film done with sand on glass panes. It's about a family living in Japan during WW2. This film is sadly unfinished as I no longer have access to the equpiment needed to finsih it.

Sand on glass, 2011
Animation about a racing dog named Vandal. It was my final for Character Animation class. The audio is from 'Scrubs".
Adobe Flash, 2011


Animation examples. Most are done in Adobe Flash and/or Photoshop.
