Mornings saturated with headlines, angst, and the reminder of a lack of purpose. Late nights filled with shiny dreams of a perfect plan that would work this time. Dreams killed by another morning's miserable reality. Repeat.
Lights, camera, bleeding desire for glory. The formula for fame is dangerous and unforgiving. A bottomless ocean of tears disguised as a tropical paradise, only enjoyable for those who float on the surface for brief moments of time. It's quite another story to dive deep into the void. An indescribable pain lies distant and lost beneath the surface, pulling the careless down into an unescapable whirlpool of torment.
Mornings saturated with headlines, angst, and the reminder of a simple life above. Late nights filled with dreary dreams of an unobtainable escape. Dreams killed by another morning's search for a conclusion. Repeat.
It's Complicated

It's Complicated

Lights, camera, bleeding desire for glory. The formula for fame is dangerous and unforgiving. A bottomless ocean of tears disguised as a tropical Read More
