Concept Ideation
Currently there is no online platform for finding and managing childcare for type 1 disbetes, one of the most common chronic diseases of childhood. The concept of TID Care is to let families search for, qualify, connect with, and ultimately select babysitters for their children with type 1 diabetes in reliable and easy way. With T1D Care, parents can make profiles, search for babysitters, filter babysitters by their needs, contact potential babysitters, and rate and review them. 
Competitive Analysis
I found that and are the biggest competitors when it comes to finding qualified caregivers for children with type one diabetes in and easy and simple online platform. Since is the world's largest online caregiver finder, its services are vast, technical, and highly developed. One of the site's biggest pain points is the inability to search for caregivers by medical skills and qualifications. stood out as a major competitor because it is the only caregiver finder catered towards families affected by T1D. However, some of the site's biggest pain points was a very limiting profile sign-up form and the inability to directly message caregivers within the platform. T1D Care alleviates both of these painpoints with a comprehensive vetting process for qualifying caregivers and an online platform where users can contact other families and caregivers directly.
User Interviews
I interviewed both parents of children with T1D and babysitters with T1D experience. Some common themes I found with the parents is how much they rely on personal references when looking for a babysitter. Since there is no online platform to search for babysitters with T1D experience, they mostly look for care by word of mouth. With the babysitters, I found that most of them were never formally or medically trained to know about T1D. Everything they learned was from other families teaching them gaining experience that way. Because of this, it was important for them for their previous experience to really shine, and for their previous families to leave reviews. 
From my user interviews, I created a two personas. My parent persona is Susan, a busy mom of one trying to deal with the highs and lows of having a kid with T1D. Her child uses a unique diabetes monitoring system and one of her biggest frustrations is the time it takes to explain how to use the system every time she hires a new babysitter. My babysitter persona, Jessica, is a post-college graduate who is looking for a job while she decides what she wants to do with her career. Although she has no formal training, she has babysat her cousin with T1D and is willing to learn more about managing the illness. One of her biggest frustrations is how hard it is to connect with families with T1D without being referred by a friend. 
The following is a storyboard of the specific scenario of a parent needing a babysitter for their child with T1D how T1D Care can be a solution. 
User Flow
My user flow disgram depicts every interaction that the user is able to reach within the T1D Care. I created two tracks in my user flow since I have two users. At a high level, the parent creates a profile, continues to the search page, sets their filter criteria, views the babysitter’s profile, and will ultimately contact that babysitter via message is they want to hire that person. The babysitter will go through a similar flow, but their content will be different. Both of the user flows end in messaging and scheduling a meeting.
I created low fidelity wireframes to go further into detail about where elements should be placed on each screen. The wireframes were then used as prototypes to test with my target users. The wireframes were updated accordingly as I made iterations.
The wireframes were then translated into an interactive Axure prototype. I ran a live prototype user test with a set list of tasks to simulate the interactions with the design. I recorded the user test to document the successes, frustrations, pain points, traps and natural flow of my users. From this data and feedback from my users I revised some of my designs. 
T1D Care Final Prototype
T1D Care

T1D Care

A website for parents to find babysitters for their children with type 1 diabetes.
