Troy NY Travel Poster - Imaging 3
"Envy" New Yorker Cover Illustration - Imaging 3
"Enter If You Dare" Sequential Art - Imaging 3
See How They Run Movie Poster - Digital Illustration
A Mystery film based on the nursery rhyme "The Three Blind Mice"
Plot Summary: 
St. Lucy’s, the most prestigious and elite academy for the blind, is shaken when Madison, the leader of the school’s popular clique of mean girls is found brutally murdered. Because of Madison’s wicked ways, it seems as though anyone in the school could be the culprit- that is until her three best friends flee the school in the middle of the night. In an effort to keep the scandal out of the media and protect the school’s reputation, The Headmaster asks his wife, Catherine, a seasoned private investigator to find the girls and return them safely and discretely. At first, the prospect of finding three legally blind adolescent girls seems like quite an easy task, but as her search begins, Catherine discovers there is more to the story than she initially thought. When she begins receiving clues from the missing girls, she begins to believe they are innocent, but know who the killer is and are hiding in fear. To make matters worse, the more Catherine looks for the girls, the more secrets she uncovers, revealing her husband and the school that he runs may not be as perfect as it seems.


Various Digital Illustration Works
