A free and independent poetry journal
Teflon is a free trimestrial poetry journal. 
I was approached by the writing staff to handle the editorial/typographic design. Due to the nature of the text the underlying typographic system (grid etc) had to be flexible enough to handle poetry of a variety of styles while maintaining a sense of identity and structure.
I also set myself the goal to make the typography as subtle as possible, to avoid it interfering with the readers' interaction with the text. Design decisions were taken with usefulness in mind rather than aesthetics.

Illustration credits given where appropriate.
Cover for issue 3. Illustration by Konstantinos Papamichalopoulos.
Spread with two poems by Elfriede Jelinek. The original text is set alongside the translation. The thick black rule is a navigational tool to help signify a new poem. Note highly variable line-lenghts and alignments.
Etching by Leondias Giannakopoulos.


Editorial design for an independent poetry journal in Athens, Greece.
