Hand-Lettering of Taylor & Will and RSVP (Vectorized in Adobe Illustrator)
Hand-Lettering of Taylor & Will and RSVP (Vectorized in Adobe Illustrator)
Hand-Illustrated Triumph Motorcycle (Vectorized in Adobe Illustrator) 
Close-up of my hand-drawn and vectorized Triumph Motorcycle (Drawing illustrated off of Groom's Actual Triumph Motorcycle)
Dutchess and Diddy- Another Hand-illustration turned vector I did of the Bride and Groom's two dogs that are special to both their hearts. The dogs are not encorporated in the wedding invites, but will be encorporated into other wedding elements such as cupcake toppers. 
The wedding program
Wedding Invite

Wedding Invite

Custom Wedding Invites. Couple wanted to share their personalities on the invite and Will loves motorcycles, especially his minty Triumph. I hand Read More
