Hexface is based on a hexagonal form. Each letterform uses the six corners of a hexagon as a template. There is also a fair amount of contrast between the thick vertical lines and the thinner, pinching horizontal lines. These contrasting lines help create two different shapes; one inside the letter and one outside. The lowercase form is short and squat. In my opinion it is the most interesting component of the typeface. The uppercase form compliments the lowercase by remaining the same width and building up higher, creating a taller shape that remains hexagonal. The overall feel is futuristic and advanced; almost alien. This is certainly a display typeface, meant for an extraterrestrial newspaper headline.
Hexface was a great exercise in learning how the characters of a typeface interact. Creating this typeface gave me a greater appreciation for typographers; working tediously to perfect each letter and create a cohesive set. 
Hexface Typeface


Hexface Typeface

Hexface is based on a hexagonal form. Each letterform uses the six corners of a hexagon as a template. There is also a fair amount of contrast be Read More
