Sam Paulling's profile

Hand Drawn and Hand Made

Hand Drawn and Hand Made
Below are some art projects that Ive made in the last few years. Some are colored pencil, oil pastels, cut and hammered aluminum, stained glass, and oak furniture. I love making things for people and these are just some of the results.
Colored Pencil on Canvas
Smeared oil paint
Cheap acrylic paint drizzled over hot glued parrot. Just before drying, I peeled the parrot out to leave the lines in the paint.
A little cluttered at the moment, this lawyers bookcase is made from oak and has solid glass windows with brass handles. This one took a long long time.
Cut and Hammered Aluminum Sheet. This is the South Carolina State Flag. For my mom.
Stained Glass Flowers
Hand Drawn and Hand Made

Hand Drawn and Hand Made

Various Projects in the last couple years.
